And a lesson in the power of inversion.

The question “How do I live a good life?” has been the subject of much thought and debate for thousands of years. Religions are birthed around this question, and wars are fought over it.
There is no right answer, everyone will have a different one.
Inverting, however, makes this simpler.
Ask yourself “How would I live a terrible life?”
You’ll find this easy to answer. Humans love negativity.
Here’s mine:
- Be sedentary.
- Foster shallow relationships.
- Worry about things that do not concern me.
- Seek happiness in external things
- Egotistically compare yourself to others.
- Chase cheap pleasure.
- Be who other people are telling you to be rather than who you want to be.
- Eat artificial food that was designed to make corporations money.
- Pursue meaningless work purely for financial gain.
- Want more than you have.
Now when you have your list. Simply do the opposite. You’ll probably end up with a life you’re happy with.