Wild Minds Weekly

I write the weekly newsletter for Wild Minds Weekly in which I talk about farming, holistic health, and other things that I think are important, inspiring, or useful. Subscribe to the newsletter to get the full letter.

Wild Minds Weekly

WMW: The Ultimate Chicken

This is an example of the most fascinating (and relevant) branches of Computer Science called “Genetic Algorithms”. It’s the study of a group of algorithms (computer-speak for ‘process’) that look for solutions that maximise multiple objectives – like egg quality and resilience in our example.

Wild Minds Weekly

WMW: Winter is coming

October 23rd 2024 Hello beautiful people, You’ve probably noticed, winter is coming. The days are getting shorter and the winds colder. The hedgehogs are foraging frantically to prepare for hibernation, squirrels stockpile their winter stores, and foxes scavenge with more urgency as food grows scarcer. Across the country, animals are adapting their behaviour for the

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