Who benefits from your belief?

The internet is an ocean of information, most of which is, unfortunately, sewage.

You need a way to filter out the information that isn’t.

Which information enriches your life and which information pollutes it?

Ask yourself

“Who benefits if I believe this?”

This is one of the most effective questions I use to determine if I should trust a piece of information or narrative.

Who benefits from you believing the sun is harmful?

Who benefits from you believing that eating meat is bad for the planet?

Who benefits from you believing the world is a scary savage place and you need the government to protect you from ‘misinformation’?

Who benefits from you believing you need 15 different supplements to be healthy?

There is no shortage of information out there. In the same way your body is made up of the food you consume, your mind is made up of the information you’re exposed to.

You need to refine what information is useful to you and consume more of that. Realistically, there is no way to tell if what we’re consuming is fact. But there are some questions you can ask that may shed some light.

What kind of person does believing this information make you? Does it make you fearful and docile? Or does it empower you?

Most information that you presented with is created to influence in one way or another. At least be influenced in a way that makes you better.

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